ReWild America

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The Art of Habit Stacking

Finding time for self-care and wellness activities can often feel daunting in our fast-paced world. Our days are filled with responsibilities, tasks, and endless to-dos that can leave us feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from the things that truly matter. However, stacking habits present a solution to this modern dilemma, allowing us to incorporate self-care into our daily lives.

The Philosophy Behind Stacking Habits

Stacking habits is the strategic layering of beneficial practices, thereby multiplying their effects without demanding additional time or effort. This approach leverages the power of compound benefits, akin to the principle of compound interest in finance, where small, consistent inputs yield exponential outcomes over time. By attaching new, beneficial habits to existing ones, we can enhance our productivity, health, and overall well-being without feeling the strain on our schedules.

For instance, instead of having our morning coffee indoors, my wife and I take it outside. This seemingly small change has profound effects. It allows us to soak in the morning sun, which is crucial in regulating our circadian rhythms. Exposure to natural light in the morning has been scientifically shown to improve sleep quality and increase serotonin levels, enhancing our mood and energy throughout the day.

While enjoying our coffee, we place our bare feet on the grass, a practice known as grounding or earthing. This simple act connects us to the earth's natural electric charge, which research suggests can reduce stress, alleviate inflammation, and shift the autonomic nervous system from a state of fight-or-flight (sympathetic activation) to one of rest and digest (parasympathetic activation).

Moreover, we dedicate this time to uninterrupted, meaningful conversation by leaving our electronic devices indoors. This deliberate disconnection from the digital world allows us to connect more deeply and be fully present in the moment.

We will take some time to drink our coffee every morning anyway; we might as well level up our wellness while we do it.

Making It Work for You

The beauty of stacking habits lies in its versatility and adaptability. While our example centers around morning coffee, the principles can be applied to any part of your day and various habits.

Whether you listen to educational podcasts during your commute, stretch and move while watching a movie, or do lunges while holding your kid so you can finish your workout because every time you put him down, he cries (true story), the possibilities are endless. The key is to identify beneficial habits and find natural, seamless ways to integrate them into your daily life.

Choose habits that naturally complement each other and build from there. Consistency is more important than intensity; even the smallest habits, when practiced regularly, can lead to profound changes in health, happiness, and overall quality of life.


Stacking habits is a way to enrich our daily routine without overwhelming our schedules. By thoughtfully combining habits, we can maximize our time while enhancing our quality of life. There is always a way. As Theodore Roosevelt said, “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” Let us know what habits you like to stack in the comments below.

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