ReWild America: Path to a Resilient, Natural Future

Yellowstone became America’s first National Park 151 years ago, preserving it from developers seeking to exploit its’ beauty.

This post provides more detail about what ReWild America is and what it means to us. The dictionary definition of rewild is:

To introduce (animals or plants) to their original habitat or a habitat similar to their natural one; to return (land) to a more natural state.

Other organizations are calling for the rewilding of North America by reclaiming land, preventing deforestation, and introducing native species back to their original habitat. Examples would be reintroducing elk to the east coast, reclaiming land in the Midwest for wild buffalo, or bringing native plants back to urban areas.

Bull elk in the wild

The United States Eastern Elk population numbered in the millions during pre-settlement America, before they were hunted to extinction in 1855.

While we want to see those initiatives come to fruition, they are focused on plants and animals, and we are focused on people. How can we expect people to care about plants, animals, and the environment, if they don’t understand their own minds, bodies, and interconnectedness with nature?

Whether you believe in creation, evolution, or a combination of both, we can agree that we’re far from our humble beginnings. Social constructs and the conveniences of our modern world are degrading people’s minds and bodies.

ReWild America focuses on what people can do to live more aligned with how our minds and bodies function optimally. We believe this will translate to a stronger and more resilient America.

Houston, We Have a Problem

People are overworked, overstressed, over-leveraged, under-slept, undernourished, unfulfilled, and lack purpose and community. We are surrounded by chemicals, plagued by chronic disease, and distracted from it all through the propagation of mindless entertainment.

We live in a country where our success is determined by continuous growth under systems that favor reductionist rather than nuanced thinking. Many of our systems are meant to maximize profits and focus on short-term gains while disregarding long-term risks and consequences.

As a Nation we need to re-think our priorities.

So much of what is detrimental has become normalized through massive efforts by corporations to keep their unhealthy food, entertainment, and pharmaceuticals available to all. People’s health continues to be secondary to profits and growth.

The people who should be advocating for the health of Americans are too busy making money from royalties, campaign donations, lucrative advisory positions, and insider trading.

We can’t count on the FDA, EPA, USDA, or any other government agency that allows funding from industry to act in our best interest when they are financially incentivized not to.

Change will only come from the citizens of this country through a grassroots movement, voting with their dollars, leading by example, and choosing their own path rather than the one laid out for them.

people sitting around a campfire under the night sky with pine trees behind them

We need time outdoors with friends, family, and neighbors, in order to strengthen our communities and gain perspective.

The Solution

ReWild America seeks the truth by asking questions, cultivating intuition, and searching for different perspectives. We understand that the problems we face as a nation are complex and nuanced.

Throughout our lives, we must make choices about the type of people we want to be and where to invest our time and money. Through these choices, we shape our communities and our nation.

The beautiful thing about being a capitalist country is that industry and government respond to the markets. Those markets are influenced daily by how we vote with our dollars. When we come together, we have immense power for change.

As a community, we can choose to participate and interact or not with products, companies, and lifestyles.

We will begin to thrive as a nation if we can encourage people to reject products and companies that harm them and embrace lifestyle choices that lead to mental, physical, and social well-being.

We can support small and independent businesses or continue to let our towns and cities be taken over by fast food chains and corporations.

Moving Forward

We recognize there are different ideas and visions for what complete mental, physical, and emotional well-being is. We may even have differences concerning what a wild and free America looks like.

Our nation is divided, and instead of engaging in polarizing and hyperbolic rhetoric to push an agenda, we want to bring people together.

A meat-eater and a vegan may disagree on the best diet, but they can both agree there shouldn’t be pesticides in our food and drinking water, nor harmful chemicals in the products we consume daily. We can also agree that healthy topsoil is essential for plants and animals.

Cows and chickens on a regenerative farm

Regenerative farming practices sequester carbon, prevent soil erosion, and don’t rely on chemical pesticides or fertilizers.

Let’s work together on what we can agree on and allow people the freedom to choose where there’s disagreement. Rewild America supports collaboration and autonomy for people and communities to reach their best version.

Some people may strive for self-reliant off-grid living, cultivating and managing their own food far removed from modern society. Others may wish to embrace modernity and simply choose the healthiest way to interact with their novel environment.

a young boy feeding chickens in his backyard

More Americans are taking an interest in producing at least some of their own food and becoming self sufficient.


We’re passionate about helping people and our country reach their full potential. Our choices matter, and seemingly small daily decisions executed by individuals make a huge difference when added up across our nation.

The Minute Man, representing a strong, capable, healthy and resilient American citizen.

ReWild America is an idea and a vision of our communities and country if we come together.

Stick with us as we navigate our modern habitat and look for solutions and workarounds to avoid the things harming our bodies, minds, and environment while supporting America.

If you believe in what ReWild America stands for, sign up for our free newsletter and help us grow by spreading the word. Thank you.

Chris Laramee

The Founder of ReWild America.

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