At the Crossroads: Choosing Freedom Over Conformity in Modern America

Some in our Nation seek truth, health, and freedom, while others seek more entertainment, profits, and control.

We're at a crossroads in America, and we must all choose the direction we want to take. We can either continue to listen to the "experts" paraded out by the government and corporate media or open our eyes and embrace nuance, common sense, and critical thinking.

All the divides and infighting among Americans regarding politics and other issues distract from the real problems we face as a nation.

  • Our government does not represent the people; they are bought and paid for by corporations and foreign governments.

  • Our regulatory agencies are bought and paid for by the companies they're supposed to be regulating.

  • Career politicians and lobbyists are too comfortable together, and we desperately need term limits.

  • Unelected bureaucrats have too much power and make rules as if they were laws.

  • The Federal Reserve has been robbing Americans since its inception in 1913.

There are many more issues, but these are the glaring ones, and I don't want to throw too much at you at once. Most of you are probably already aware of these issues, but we're putting it out in the open. If you understand what the problems are, you have a moral responsibility to act.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
— Edmund Burke

While confronting the totality of our problems can seem daunting, we cannot falter, be discouraged, or be intimidated. You must understand that when the American people are united, we have immense power.

Only We Can Save our Nation and Ourselves

We need to wake up as many people as possible and begin disseminating the truth into all corners of our society until the information spreads on its own. No meaningful change can happen until there is a shift in the population's mindset.

Beyond spreading the truth to as many people as possible, we resist by pulling ourselves out of "the system" wherever possible. No matter what craziness overtakes the masses, we always reserve the right not to participate. Nonparticipation is the simplest form of protesting and is far more effective than standing outside with a cardboard sign.

Here are 10 ways you can choose not to participate in the current system that is stealing your health and prosperity:

  1. Do not buy ultra-processed food, eat at fast food restaurants, or give one cent to companies that create food with added harmful ingredients. Purchase only whole foods from responsible producers with no or minimal added ingredients.

  2. Factory farming practices in the production of livestock and produce are abhorrent. Whether pesticides and herbicides are sprayed on our fruits and vegetables or animals are confined in cages and fed GMO corn and soy while being pumped full of steroids and antibiotics, the foods produced from these methods have no place in the human diet and are destroying our environment. Buy your meat from responsible producers using regenerative practices and only buy organic produce.

  3. Stay as far away from the medical and pharmaceutical companies as possible, as though your life depends on it. Stay out of hospitals and drug stores unless you've been hit by a bus. Taking the previous two points on board will significantly increase your chances of avoiding the medical system. Food is medicine, and lifestyle choices are more powerful for healing than drugs.

  4. Reject the hedonistic allure that your only purpose in life is to maximize pleasure while avoiding pain and discomfort. Our current systems encourage this behavior through endless advertisements and TV shows glorifying it. The system wants you to always be entertained because while you are being entertained, you won't be asking awkward questions.

  5. Most of these methods involve some form of voting with your dollars, but this needs its own category. Buy American and local whenever you have the option. Don't purchase from companies that infringe on your rights or push agendas to suit a narrative.

  6. The borrower is a slave to the lender. Work hard to become debt-free and reject the systems and institutions that work hard to keep you in debt. When you are in debt and worried about paying the bills, it's necessity rather than virtue that drives you.

  7. Cancel cable and stop watching corporate news, which is a mouthpiece for the government and corporations. They are pumping out bullshit 24/7 to keep you in fear and hooked on their products. Get your news from independent journalists and from a variety of sources. Come to your own conclusions and pay little attention to what the left or right is saying. It's one big uniparty.

  8. Become strong and resilient. Strong people are harder to intimidate. With strength comes confidence, and with confidence comes the ability to stand your ground when the critics come out of the woodwork. Do and say what's right regardless of the social backlash.

  9. Undoubtedly, many of our public schools and institutions of higher education have been taken over by fringe ideologies. Do not support these institutions with your attendance or money. Find private schools that align with your values, home school, or seek knowledge elsewhere. The college diploma has become more expensive while becoming less relevant.

  10. Disobey. This is the most essential resistance method. The next time someone asks you to do something ridiculous, just say no, whether that's standing on an x in the grocery store checkout line or keeping your mask on between bites of food.

Concluding Thoughts

There is endless pressure on you and your family to conform and fall in line. Well, those are not the principles that America was founded on. America was founded on the principles of liberty and freedom for all. Your ancestors were badasses who crossed an ocean and battled natives to settle in America. They then fought a war against a world superpower and won. They lived without electricity and a Whole Foods and carved out a life for themselves on the frontier.

Whatever comes down the line and whatever the future holds, whether it's another vaccine being forced down your throat, a central bank digital currency, a social credit score, or a drag queen storytime.

Remember what your ancestors fought for and, at minimum, create circumstances in your life that enable you to not participate.

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