What I Believe to Be True

All of these products were backed by “data," “science,” and doctors. I'm sure at the time, if you questioned any of them, you would have been called a quack. The industry will protect its products at all costs.

I choose to abstain from many things for one reason or another, and I don’t always have the data to back up my decisions. Frankly, I don’t put much stock in industry-collected “data.” I put much more faith in my eyes, ears, common sense, and ability to think critically. So, staying in that vein, I’m going to write about a few things and provide no supporting documentation, and based on your own experiences and intuition, let me know if you think I’m full of shit.

I don’t remember where I first heard it, but the phrase was;

”You get the science you pay for.”

Let that sink in for a moment. “You get the science you pay for.” That means that you’ve been presented with data from “experts” throughout your life that may have been formulated by someone financially incentivized to come to an inevitable conclusion.

I listened to Robert Kennedy Jr. speak about his time as an environmental lawyer. He described how the defense and prosecution would each bring in experts from Harvard, and each would say the exact opposite. The point was to convey that experts are easily bought and often disagree.

So, let’s look at some things for which conclusive evidence is lacking to declare them unsafe. Or, some evidence shows they’re dangerous, but not enough to require change from regulating agencies.

The thing is, the regulators only care that you don’t immediately drop dead upon use or consumption. They don’t put a lot of effort into regulating the products that take years to kill you or look for the correlation between the cancer and the product.

With nature as my guide, I abstain from the following things because I’d rather be safe than sorry, and I’m not waiting for a double-blind placebo study to tell me they aren't safe; I’ll trust my gut.

What I believe to be true:

  1. Don’t hold your cell phone up to your head because it may cause brain cancer.

  2. Put your cell phone on airplane mode when it’s going to be in your pocket for a prolonged period so you aren’t frying your reproductive organs.

  3. Don’t buy a house under or near high-tension power lines because they may increase your cancer risk.

  4. Don’t use Bluetooth headphones. They send radio waves into your brain, and why would you want to do that?

  5. Seed oils are our country's main driver of disease, and they should NEVER be consumed.

  6. Chemical sunscreen and beauty products are more likely to cause skin cancer than the sun.

  7. Pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers do more harm than good. They create superbugs and weeds and destroy soil health. They should never be used on your lawn, garden, or farm.

  8. Vaccines do more harm than good and are the leading cause of autism.

  9. Do not wear synthetic or restrictive underwear because it is terrible for your junk and is transferring microplastics into you.

  10. Don’t drink unfiltered tap water because fluoride is poisoning you along with everything else that leaches into the water supply.

  11. Orthotics make you more prone to injury, and you’re better off barefoot.

  12. It’s probably not a good idea to keep our WIFI on all night, blasting us with radio waves while we sleep.

  13. Plastic is terrible for us and the environment, and for the love of god, do not consume hot liquid or food from plastic.

  14. When you're sick, you don’t need medication; you need grounding, sun, proper nutrition, and sleep.

  15. Chemical cleaning products are poisoning the air in your home and are full of endocrine disruptors.

  16. Artificial scents in cosmetics, candles, and anything else are a no-go because they are endocrine disruptors.

  17. Wearing sunglasses in a natural environment is unnecessary and prevents key light signals from reaching your brain.

  18. Chemical food additives and ultra-processed foods are driving disease and should not be consumed.

    (And two more because 20 is a more pleasing number to my brain than 18.)

  19. The Federal Reserve is a criminal enterprise, and -

  20. The CIA killed Kennedy.


    May I be wrong about some of the above? It’s possible, but I have to go with my gut because there are too many forces conspiring to keep us in the dark and maintain the supremacy of their products and sales.

    Scattered information is beginning to emerge, showing that many of the aforementioned things are harmful to your health. But, it’s an uphill battle with industry-buying science that says otherwise.

    The point of this post is to convey that no one will care more about safeguarding your health than you.

    When a regulator or industry spokesman says, “There is no evidence that proves that." Remember the picture at the beginning, and trust your intuition.

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